The Children in a Changing Climate (CCC) coalition is a partnership of five leading child-centered development and humanitarian organisations: ChildFund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children, UNICEF and World Vision International.

ChildFund Alliance
ChildFund Alliance is a global network of 11 child-focused development and humanitarian organizations reaching more than 32 million children and their families in 70 countries. We work to end violence against children; provide our expertise in emergencies and disasters to ease the harmful impact on children and their communities; and engage children, families, and communities to create lasting change. Our commitment, resources, innovation and expertise serve as a powerful force to help children and families around the world transform their lives.
- Our vision: A world in which all children enjoy their rights and achieve their full potential.
- Our mission: Together, with children, we create sustainable solutions that protect and advance their rights and well-being.

PLAN International

Save the Children